The basics: an ERG is an afifliated group of employees within an organization who share distinctive qualities, interests, or goals. Employees from particular It could be something as simple constituencies may initiate as an intramural sports league ERGs, or they may be organized or a book club. People tend to from HR teams or Diversity and associate with each other based Inclusion departments. ERGs are on common interests. In the commonly formed for veterans, case of ERGs, this tendency can LGBTQ+ employees, women in have a positive impact on an EMPLOYEE RESOURCE GROUPS the workforce, working parents, employee’s job satisfaction and single parents, and for purposes loyalty. How it works of cultural diversity. However, they can also center on special However, a company’s ability interests and hobbies, like to leverage ERGs to improve fantasy sports leagues or wine employee engagement requires tasting. executive support and HR oversight. That said, there is no Whether the HR organization is one-size-ifts-all approach to ERG aware of it or not, any company programs. Each program is as with more than a couple hundred unique as the ERG participants people is likely to have ERGs in themselves. place.

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