NON-MONETARY EXPERIENCES EQUITY-BASED REWARDS COMPLIMENTARY PROGRAMS Not all rewards need to be money-based, and Equity rewards in the form of stock options or If an organization already has workplace often, non-monetary rewards can be even restricted stock units are also a popular method convenience programs, such as car washes, more appreciated! If parking is at a premium of recognizing employees. Many companies have dry cleaning services, or on-campus massages, for example, companies can offer VIP parking great tools to track option vesting and ownership offering these to employees free of charge is an spots for a month to exceptional people. This but the rewarding process is actually done with easy way to reward them for their work. It also kind of reward allows organizations to design the old paper/pencil method, email, or a simply helps grow those programs. If an employee company-speci昀椀c recognitions, too. A high-end 1-1 meeting. There is typically no tracking of why has a good experience, they’re likely to tell car company could allow its employees to drive the reward was given and what company core their coworkers about it, which can increase one of their luxury cars for a week as a thank you. values were demonstrated by the employee, engagement and success. A travel company could provide a travel voucher, a which is a missed opportunity to show your hotel company could provide a room, etc. employee how they shine.

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